Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday for Our Colleague

Tinhtinh4u.blogspot will like to wish happy belated birthday to our Colleague -WK.Goh who celebrated his birthday away from home and love one.

Wishing him all the best and may all his wish came true…………… wishes from all his colleagues.

** Photo by Ms. Lim 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Place of Interest

Anyone who comes to Hanoi Vietnam must go to Buffet Viet to try their food there.
Verities of food offer by BufferViet, we have our enjoyable dinner there…
Will like to share some of our photo taken in BuffetViet 

WIN IPAD2 :Conquer: High School! Be a HALLS Shocketeer & wake those sleepyheads, the citizens of Shockville!

Price is quite reasonable as well...So don't miss it ..
For more info view their website here 
 1A - Tang Bat Ho - Hai Ba Trung - Ha Noi
 +84 39931781 - +84 39931782.  +84 39727170

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ghost Taxi Driver

Ghost Taxi Driver (Cheater)

For all the Tourist please be careful with this ghost taxi driver …He is a bad cheater. He will be waiting at the Tourist places with his Taxi.

We had been cheated by this guy first time when we go down to Hanoi. He was very polite when ask us to get in his car and also can understand and speak a little bit of English. But after all of us have get in the taxi and the driver start driving,the Taxi meter is running like petrol pump meter -damn fast… We feel something was not right and we ask him to stop the car but the bastard pretend not to understand English, than we just shout at him and he finally stop. We took his Taxi not even 100meter and have to pay him 300000VND.

We managed to notice him again when we went down to Hanoi few times and get some photo of him waiting for new prey, so be careful.

All of you who visiting Vietnam (Hanoi) please be carefully when choosing Taxi services. We suggest you to take Taxi from these two companies either Hanoi Taxi or MaiLinh Taxi.

Photo by : Chai

Balut Egg ---- Dared enough to try it ....

Vietnamese X Factor food that’s what I call
Haha one of my friends (Brian) has try the Vietnamese famous food call Balut Egg-Trứng vịt lộn or Hột vịt lộn in Vietnamese
But what is Balut egg....A Balut is a fertilized duck embryo that is boiled alive and eaten in the shell. In Vietnam, Balut are eaten with a pinch of salt, lemon juice, plus ground pepper and Vietnamese Coriander leaves (Southern Vietnamese style).
Look for yourself. If you dared enough to try than go ahead.

Popularly believed to be an aphrodisiac and considered a high-protein, hearty snack, Balut are mostly sold by street vendors in the regions where they are available.
The Vietnamese often prefer their Balut mature from 19 days up to 21 days, when the chick is old enough to be recognizable as a baby duck and has bones that will be firm but tender when cooked

*Info from Wikipedia

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Launching of Tinh Tinh Blog

Hi hi ;
This blog is about a group of people who work in Vietnam. We will like to share our life style in Vietnam including the places we had visited, the food we had, the night life we spend and all the crazy things we done in Vietnam

Is just the starting of our friendship after working abroad far from our Home sweet home.
Wait for more updates..................